Saturday, 2 March 2013

Year 8 English Activity: 'So Much to Tell You' by John Marsden

So Much to Tell You was written in 1986 before schools had access to the internet like we do today.   Do you think Mr Lindell’s project would have worked if his students were required to keep a blog instead of writing in a diary?

Your Task
Instead of writing in a diary, Marina’s task was to write a blog.  Her blog is available at (....give students link to blog which will have 4 different excerpts from Marina’s diary/ the novel So Much to Tell You).

PART 1).
Choose two entries on Marina’s blog and comment on or respond to them.
You can respond in writing or with an image you have drawn or found online.  Give reasons for why you have chosen this way of responding.

PART 2).
You must then comment on one of your classmates posts.
Some things to think about are:

  •           Do you agree with this post?         
  •           Has something been said that you had never thought about before?
  •           How do you think this post would have made Marina feel?
  •      Would any of the other characters in the story have agreed with this post?
PART 3).
Finally, in a separate word document, write short answers to the following questions:
  1.       Do you think Marina would have written on her blog like she did in her diary?
  2.       Is a diary more personal than a blog?
  3.       How do you think Marina would have reacted to your comments on her blog?

  • Demonstrate an understanding about online technologies and how they can be used as a form of communication.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of characters in the novel.
  • Ability to use Technology in a responsible and educational way.
  • Ability to use time in class effectively.
  • Expression and structure of written work, including spelling and punctuation.