Friday, 31 May 2013

Year 8 Renaissance Presentation

You will be given one aspect of the Renaissance to research in detail and will complete the following:

This part of your project is to be done in pairs. 
You will write and present to the class a 3-5 minute lesson about the topic you are given.  You must cover the key ideas, themes and historical importance of your particular topic. 
Your presentation must be informative and interesting.  Both members of the group must participate equally in the research and the presentation of your findings. 
Your presentation should not involve you just standing in front of the class talking.  You could

  • Write a song/rap that incorporates everything you have learnt about your topic (if you choose this option it is a good idea to make a Power Point slide or a handout of your lyrics so that the class can read along while you present)
  • Write a story based on historical facts and read it to the class
  • Perform a short skit highlighting the key points of your topic
  • You can use props, draw diagrams, use the whiteboard, give handouts, make a Power Point presentation or a Prezi – anything that will help you with your presentation… Be creative!

In your presentation you must:
  •     Give a brief outline of what/who your presentation is about. 
  •     Explain why the subject of your research is important.  What role did they play in the Renaissance? Why do we still remember them today?
  •     What aspect of society during the Renaissance was changed or affected by your topic?
  •     How does your topic influence today’s society?

Each group will assess one other group's presentation.  You will be given the criteria (on the back of this sheet) and you will mark your peers based on how well you feel they have met each criterion.  You will also be required to write some feedback because your assessment sheet will then be given to the group you are assessing.
Your opinions will be taken seriously so try to be as fair as possible.
Remember, you will also be assessed by your peers!

Each person (NOT group) will submit their own paragraph outlining the key information given in your presentation.  300 words minimum - remember TEEL.  A bibliography must be included for this task.

A helpful website which identifies some key themes about the Renaissance is

Peer Assessed Presentation Criteria

Very Good
Not Satisfactory

Easy to Understand



Text Response Essay final Check List

Regarding the essay as a whole:
Does your essay have an introduction, which identifies your overall contention (argument) and how you will respond to the topic?
Does your essay have at least three body paragraphs?
Does your essay have a conclusion, which offers a full and final answer to the topic question?

Does EACH body paragraph:
Address each element of TEEL (Topic sentence, Explain, Evidence, Link)?
Have a topic sentence that identifies that paragraph’s argument?
Have at least one quote as evidence?
Has the quote been blended/incorporated, so that it reads properly if you take out the quotation marks?
Have your provided some analysis/interpretation/discussion of your evidence?

Have you proofread and ensured that:
There are no spelling or grammatical errors
The language is formal, and not conversational (DEFINITELY NO text talk!)
Capitals are used correctly, including in character names
The title of the book is italicised whenever it is used
You have not used contradictions (e.g. make sure you write “is not”, not “isn’t”)
You have not used the first person (“I think that…”) or the second person (“you see this when…”)
Quotation marks are used appropriately and appear either side of every quote.