Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Year 10 English Oral Presentations Lesson Plan





Year 10
40 minutes
Oral Presentations: Identifying and analysing presentation techniques
To engage students with a variety of oral presentation styles (speech/ debate) and to identify and analyse key techniques and conventions of successful oral presentations.
VELS Links
Level 6: Speaking and Listening
·         Analyse critically the relationship between texts, contexts, speakers and listeners
·         Draw on a range of strategies to listen to and present spoken texts
·         Present and justify a point of view, and speak appropriately and confidently in informal and formal situations
·         Listen to and are provided with opportunities to produce a range of spoken texts in a variety of formal and informal situations characterised by complexity of purpose, and subject matter
·         Critically examine the variety of ways in which spoken language influences audiences and, in their own presentations, experiment with a range of persuasive techniques
Progression Point 5.5
• Critical analysis of relationship between spoken texts, context, speakers and listeners
• Selection of persuasive language and non - verbal techniques to influence specific audiences
• Responsive listening to a range of spoken texts dealing with complex subject matter

Learning Outcome
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and analyse different conventions of oral presentations. They will be able to use specific terminology to discuss oral presentations and will be able to analyse the impact of factors such as purpose, audience and context when listening to an oral presentation.
Focus Questions
  • What are the features of a good speech?
  • What persuasive techniques does Obama use in his speech and how effective are they?
  • How can we take these techniques and use them in our own debates?

Learning Activities

Contextualise lesson for the students.
• Previous work on persuasive language and  persuasive writing
• This lesson is first is series on oral presentations with ultimate aim being students doing individual presentations within a class debate.
* Outline links to VELS
3 mins
Diagnose what learners’ previous knowledge and establish gaps in this knowledge
• Draw on students’ knowledge and relate it to
the lesson
Ask the class: What are some features of good oral presentations?
Write answers on white board.
Hand out transcript of Obama’s speech.
• whole class reading
• focus on what works as persuasive writing
Whole class discussion.
• whole class reading
• discuss in small groups - talk about concrete examples
• class response with clear examples and listen to classmates opinions.
3 mins
7 mins
Watch Obama’s speech.  You Tube 9:37 to end.
Watch clip.
4 mins
• Assist learners in acquiring knowledge needed to complete task, with particular focus on language and literacy.
• Teacher models how to complete this task
Discuss speech.
Did Obama use any of the features of a good speech that the class came up with?
Allocate each table a technique to focus on when re-watching the clip check they understand what they are looking for! (rhythm, repetition, pitch, audience, purpose, climax,
contention/persuasiveness, emphasis, language, allusion/ referencing, body language)
Facilitates class conversation.
Discuss speech as whole class.
Re-watch speech and focus on their specific technique.
How has Obama used this technique?
How has this technique affected the audience/ persuasiveness of his speech?
Each table reports back their findings.
2 mins
8 mins
5 mins
·         Students work on an extended task in which they transform skills and knowledge acquired.
Speed Debating Activity.
-          Corporal punishment should be brought back to school.
-          Sport should be compulsory at school.
In groups of 2 students are given a topic which they must debate about.  Student A is affirmative and student B is negative.  They have 2 minutes each to make a case.
They then swap topics with the group next to them and repeat the process.
Finally they return to their original topic but argue the opposing position that they had before.
The aim is for all students to argue both for and against two different topics.   
8 mins

Formative assessment of student’s contribution to class discussion and activities.  Working towards a major assessment task: an in-class debate.
• Transcripts of Obama’s New Hampshire Primary speech (25 copies) (plus Power Point version for contingency)
• Clip of Obama’s New Hampshire Primary speech 9:37 onwards (on USB, YT link:
• Debating topics slips
• Whiteboard markers


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