Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Year 7 Ancient Greece Project

Year 7 History
Ancient Greece Project

In groups of 3 you are to make a board game about Ancient Greece.  The aim of the game is to travel around Ancient Greece, starting and ending in Athens.  In order to do this you must pass various obstacles.   Your task is to come up with these obstacles.  These may be in the form of questions that need to be answered about a particular place, an Olympic event that must be completed, a Greek God that may either help you or slow you down etc.   

You must include at least oneobstacle from each of the six categories below; (which means you must have at least 6 obstacles from 6 different aspects of Ancient Greek life) 

1.      Athenian lifestyle

2.      Greek Inventions

3.      Greek mythology/gods

4.      Geography of Ancient Greece

5.      Wars between different City States

6.      Olympic Games

As a group you will all work together, but each individual member of your group will be in charge of a different aspect of your project.

1.      Key Researcher: finding interesting and accurate information and writing the bibliography (including at least 3 different sources). 

2.      Presentation Boss: making sure the board game looks good and functions as a board game.

3.      Organiser: making sure the group is on task and reporting back to the rest of the class about what your group is doing.  Helping your group members complete their tasks.

Ancient Greece Board Game Assessment Criteria

Research skills
Thorough research is evident and has been integrated into the task in a sophisticated manner.
Good research is evident and has been integrated into the task in a confident manner.
Some research is evident and has been integrated into the task.
Very little research is evident.
The project is well-organized, has pictures and colour and works effectively as a board game.
The project has pictures and colour and works effectively as a board game.
The project has some colour but parts are difficult to read.
The project is messy and difficult to read.
Ability to work well as a group
Each member of the group participated equally, stayed on task and helped each other.
Each member of the group mainly kept up with the demands of the project.
The group left the majority of the work until the last minute and tasks were not distributed equally amongst group members.
Group required continual prompting to complete and tasks were not distributed equally amongst group members.
Ability to follow criteria
At least 6 obstacles from 6 different aspects of Ancient Greek life have been included.
Most of the obstacles from different aspects of Ancient Greek life have been included.
Some of the obstacles from different aspects of Ancient Greek life have been included.
The criteria has not been followed.
Creativity and Imagination
Imaginative or inventive thinking is displayed when considering historical events and bringing them to life.
Some novel or inventive thinking is displayed.
A few original ideas used.
Tasks requiring creativity and imagination not completed.
Spelling and grammar
Spelling is accurate.
All sentences are full sentences.
Appropriate language used.
Spelling is mostly accurate.
Most sentences are full sentences.
Appropriate language used.
There are few spelling errors
Most sentences are full sentences and require accurate punctuation
Inappropriate language used at times.
There are many spelling errors
Many sentences are incomplete sentences and require punctuation
Inappropriate language used often
Bibliography is accurately presented and it includes more than the required number of sources.
Bibliography contains the required number of sources.
Bibliography does not contain the required number of sources.
Bibliography is not included.
                                                                                                                                                       Total ___ / 24

Final Products

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